Now viewing articles in the category World War II.

  • D-Day: Operation Overlord

    June 6th, 2023

    D-Day: Operation Overlord
    79 years ago today, June 6th, 1944, Operation Overlord (the official name for the D-Day invasion) made landfall in France on Adolf Hitler's "Festung Europa" (in English, Fortress Europe). It was orginally planned to start on June 5th, 1944 but due to bad weather, it was delayed by one day. On June 6...
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  • The Doolittle Raid

    April 18th, 2023

    The Doolittle Raid
    81 years ago today, April 18th, 1942, the Doolittle Raid occurred and was America's first attack on the Japanese mainland during World War II. Here is the background of the raid: after the Pearl Harbor Attack, the US government wanted to get revenge against the Japanese and they agreed to a plan tha...
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  • Battle of the Bulge

    December 16th, 2022

    Battle of the Bulge
    78 years ago, on December 17th 1944, the German Army succeeded in a breaking through Allied lines in an attempt to reach the Belgium port of Antwerp, which ultimately failed. If they had reached there, their plan was to invade Britain with the hope that both the U.S. and Great Britain would leave th...
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  • James Doolittle

    December 14th, 2022

    James  Doolittle
    126 years ago today, December 14th, 1896, James Doolittle was born. Doolittle was famous for hundreds of aviation-related feats such as setting several world records for aircraft and entering (and winning) every air race worth entering in the 1920s and '30s. He also lead the Doolittle Raid on Tokyo,...
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  • Pearl Harbor Attack

    December 7th, 2022

    Pearl Harbor Attack
    81 years ago today on December 7th, 1941, Japanese Navy aircraft attacked Pearl Harbor in Oahu, Hawaii, causing the United States to enter into World War II. The next day after the attack, December 8th, President Roosevelt gave his famous December 7th, 1941 Day of Infamy speech, which I have include...
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